Yale Daily News Digital Archive

Daily News

Founded on January 28, 1878, the Yale Daily News is the oldest college newspaper in the United States. The archive provides access to digitized versions of Yale Daily News print issues from the library’s historical collection, and includes more than 140 years of YDN reporting. Many of the newspaper’s students editors, writers and contributors have gone on to prominent careers in journalism or public service. These include William F. Buckley, John Hersey, Lan Samantha Chang, Sargent Shriver, Joseph Lieberman, Garry Trudeau, and Daniel Yergin.

News & Media Sources

This resource allows users to access the front pages of newspapers from around the world in their original language and format, including photographs and illustrations. It is updated each day to capture a snapshot of journalism in motion worldwide. The front page of each selected paper is displayed along with its country and state, or region, and a link is provided to view the full-sized image in a web browser, download a PDF, or visit the website associated with the newspaper.

Each Daily News article contains a set of comprehension and critical thinking questions. These questions help students to understand the main idea of each article, and also provide them with additional information to assist with their research. Additionally, each question is accompanied by “Background” and “Resources” (including video clips, maps and links) to give students a deeper understanding of the news story.

Daily News provides a broad spectrum of current and historic articles and opinions about a wide range of topics, including international, national, regional, and local events. The newspaper also covers a variety of political, social, and cultural issues that impact society. In addition, the newspaper has a strong focus on sports and features several nationally known columnists.

The Daily News has a long history of defining New York City and its inhabitants. The newspaper was the first in America to be printed in tabloid format, and at its peak had a circulation of more than two million copies per day. It is currently the ninth largest daily newspaper in the nation. Today, the Daily News has a moderate-to-liberal editorial stance and is often contrasted with the more conservative New York Post.

The Briscoe Center holds clippings morgues for the Daily News, The New York Times, and The New York Herald Tribune. Clippings morgues do not contain complete copies of each issue of the newspaper, but rather are collections of individual envelopes that contain articles on a particular subject. These collections are arranged by topic, or by personal or organizational names, making them an excellent resource for researchers.

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