What Is Law?


Law is a body of rules that regulates and enforces human conduct by making sure everyone follows the same standards. Its principles are usually based on a culture’s traditions, family and social habits, or religious books such as the Bible or Koran. The rules are often written down in a legal code or document. There are many different kinds of laws. Some deal with the protection of people’s property or health. Others deal with relationships, like marriage and divorce. The government can punish people who break the law by putting them in jail or forcing them to pay fines.

Most countries have a system of courts where judges decide whether someone is guilty of a crime or not. Judges decide what evidence is valid, and they also tell the jury how to interpret facts from a legal perspective. They may also tell the jury which evidence is not relevant to the case. Some of the most important laws are criminal laws, which punish people for crimes committed.

Other laws govern how governments and companies operate. Banking and finance laws set minimum standards for the amounts of capital banks must hold, and rules about how money is invested. Water, energy, gas and telecommunications laws govern how private companies manage public services that the government used to run. These laws ensure that the companies provide the service in a fair and honest way, and do not charge too much or take advantage of customers.

Another kind of law is administrative, which covers how a country runs its businesses and government offices. Companies have to follow these laws if they want to open an office or sell products in that country. They also have to comply with labour and employment laws, which protect the rights of workers. These laws also make sure employers do not discriminate against workers or fire them for no good reason.

Other kinds of law include civil law, which deals with disputes between individuals and other organisations, and constitutional law, which covers the constitution of a country. The practice of law involves studying and arguing the rules of law in court or with government officials. Lawyers are sometimes called solicitors in the United States, barristers in the UK and attorneys in Australia. Some lawyers specialise in areas of law, such as taxation or family law.

A number of philosophers have come up with different definitions of law. For example, Roscoe Pound believed that the main purpose of law was to control society. He described it as a ‘coercive instrument’ that served the interests of those in power. Other philosophers, such as Hans Kelsen, defined law as a ‘normative science’ that describes what is generally acceptable behaviour. Kelsen’s theory suggests that the laws of a society are based on custom and the values of the people. People must obey the laws if they want to live in peace with their neighbours and co-workers. The law also ensures that there are consequences for breaking the rules, regardless of wealth or status.

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