Automobiles and Motorcycles


Automobiles are defined as self-propelled motorized vehicles that have a steering wheel and two or four wheels. They are used to transport a driver and passengers. Generally, they are designed to seat between one and eight people and run on roads or tracks. Unlike motorcycles, they are not allowed to park on sidewalks.

The number of registered motorcycles in the US is growing at a rapid pace, with an estimated 529 motorcycle-related deaths in California alone in 2016. In addition, the number of motorcycle-related injuries in the United States rose to 5286 last year. While this is not an ideal scenario, it does not mean that motorcycles are inferior to cars. Rather, motorcycles are a convenient and enjoyable form of transportation for some individuals, and there are numerous advantages to riding a motorcycle compared to a car.

Automobiles have been struggling to maintain their share of the market over the past few years. However, a combination of pent up demand from the Asian economic crisis, low interest rates, and continued government subsidies have helped sales improve. A record 1.43 million automobiles were sold in 2012. This is up from a mere 304,062 automobiles in 1990.

Motorcycles, on the other hand, have experienced a vintage decade. With their popularity rising and their operating margins improving, motorcycles are poised to remain a strong part of the automotive business. Honda has a solid foothold in the Latin American and Indian markets, and they also have a presence in Africa. For now, though, the company’s major focus is on the North American and Asian markets.

Automotive sales in Thailand, sometimes referred to as the “Detroit of Asia,” increased by 45.8 percent in 2010, to reach 800,357 new vehicles. Despite the high number, the economy still remains strong and the market is expected to continue growing.

The Asian economic crisis of 1999 had a negative effect on the automotive industry, with vehicle sales dropping 70 percent from 158,000 to 175,000. As a result, the automotive industry grew a mere 1.5 percent in 1998. It took a few years for automobile production to pick up again. At the end of 2010, automobiles represented 56 percent of total sales in the region.

While a car can carry more people, they have less space and are more difficult to park. They are also more expensive to buy and maintain. Because of this, they are generally better suited for light traffic.

However, their benefits are not always clear. For example, a motorcycle can’t be used on icy or rainy roads, or in parking lots where striped lines are prohibited. Also, drivers must wear a helmet and follow all traffic laws. Lastly, they are not allowed to stop to pray or bow in prayer while in motion.

Compared to motorcycles, automobiles are much more common in the United States and many other parts of the world. In fact, according to the International Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, the number of vehicles on the road is rising five to 10 percent a year.

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Cape Town, South Africa